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Meditation  ... for real life?

Yup - that's right! These drop-in meditations are for all of us perfectly imperfect beings moving through life. You don't need to wear anything fancy, drink smoothies, have a designated meditation nook, or listen to Enya on repeat.


You won't find any of the "positive vibes only" stuff from us over here. We know first hand that life can be beautiful, messy, complicated, frustrating, disappointing, thrilling, and everything else in-between! 


You deserve a space where you feel comfortable showing up as you are - a space where you can sink into a meditation to find some peace at the end of the day, a space for genuine connection and acceptance. 


Welcome to Meditation for Real Life - we can't wait for you join us!



Join us for a meditation!

Meditation is not evasion. It is a serene encounter with reality.

- Thich  Nhat Hanh

Meditation.      Connection.        Acceptance.

These drop-in meditations are going to be short and sweet - so you don't have to worry about carving out a big chunk of time in your schedule, plot an elaborate rouse to trick your family into thinking you're not home, or sneak off to a quiet room ninja style so your pets don't wake up from their nap to hound you for non-stop pets.


Well... maybe you will need to do some version of these things, we don't know what your life looks like, but the good news is you don't have to luck out with an hour of solitude to join us!


Every Monday at 8pm PST we meet on Zoom. We start off with a few minutes to connect and get settled, then we'll be diving into our meditation for the evening (typically around 10-15 minutes), and we finish up with an opportunity to share and discuss what the meditation brought up for you - or not - it's totally up to you! 

Our upcoming meditations:

Be Here Now Thursday June 17, 2021

Self Love Meditation - Monday June 28, 2021

Be Here Now - Monday July 5, 2021

The Big Calm - Monday July 12, 2021

What's Breath Got to do With it? - Monday July 19, 2021

Self Compassion Meditation - Monday July  26, 2021

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